Page 7 - Brightsun Travel e-brochure
P. 7

Why Mumbai?

One of the main reasons Lubna returns to Mumbai is its proximity
to the serene Western Ghats, especially during monsoon season.
The lush Sahyadri mountain range provides her with a peaceful
escape from city life. These uncommercialised treks, hidden
waterfalls, and lush valleys offer a sense of adventure and spiritual
tranquillity—moments where nature restores her soul and deepens
her connec on to the world around her.

With tourism is growing in these spots, it also benefits local
communi es, contribu ng to social equity and preserving the
region’s biodiversity. Lubna’s connec on to Mumbai and its nearby
des na ons showcases how tourism nurtures not only personal
peace but also fosters connec ons with nature and the
communi es that depend on it.
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