Page 22 - Brightsun Recommends: 2025 Travel Destinations
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Brightsun Recommends


Brightsun staff member Parisa con nues to travel back to Dubai; the city
holds a special place in her memories.
Being Afghan, Parisa feels deeply connected to the authen c Arabic
culture and hospitality of Dubai, which closely mirrors Afghan tradi ons.
This cultural familiarity enhances the experience of enjoying the
weather, the culture, and the delicious food Dubai has to offer.
One standout moment in the city for Parisa was the Sky Views Edge
Walk at the Sky Views Observatory. This thrilling a rac on includes a
25-metre-long glass slide that offers breathtaking views of the city and
the iconic Burj Khalifa. Despite a shared fear of heights, Parisa and her
spouse decided to embrace the challenge, ul mately finding the
experience exhilara ng and unforge able.
Dubai's remarkable transforma on is evident over the years. Having
visited the city three mes, Parisa observes significant changes in its
transporta on system, an increase in leisure a rac ons, and no ceable
popula on growth.
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