Page 26 - Brightsun Recommends: 2025 Travel Destinations
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Brightsun Recommends
Brightsun staff member and spirited globetro er Mala has been around
the world and back, but the ques on is - where does she want to go back
when she has been everywhere?
Thailand provides Mala with a sense of comfort, peace, relaxa on, and
vivid memories - as vivid as its aquamarine waters, the dis nc ve
flavours of lemongrass curry, and the intoxica ng scents of incense in its
Buddhist temples. The country offers remarkable diversity for tourists: a
welcoming and friendly culture, peaceful medita ve temples, cuisines
burs ng with flavour and variety, bustling ci es alongside beau ful
green hills, serene island escapes, and thrilling water sports.
Numerous moments and experiences from Thailand stood out to Mala.
Among them were the ny rickety wooden boats used for island
hopping, surrounded by the stunning beauty of green cliffs, calm ocean
waters, and wildlife, as well as the unforge able energy of full moon
beach par es.