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The Best Beaches In Jordan

The Best Beaches In Jordan

Jordan boasts stunning coastlines, world-class diving and of course a chance to float at the lowest point of earth, the Dead Sea.

Jordan is a country in the Middle East that is often overlooked by its neighbour, Israel. However, this destination is an undiscovered gem, and there are plenty of spectacular things to see and do here. Despite its positioning, Jordan is a safe place to visit, and is known for the beautiful city of Petra, a famous archaeological site, nicknamed the ‘rose city’ for the temples and monuments carved out of pink sandstone.

Jordan is also home to some of the most fantastic beaches, which is why holidays to Jordan are so popular among families. Jordan borders both the red sea and the dead sea, making it the perfect place to visit for anyone who loves relaxing and enjoying the sunshine as much as they love culture. In this article, we’ve compiled a list of the best beaches that you can visit in Jordan, as well as some of the most popular holiday destinations that you should visit during your travels.

1. Amman Beach

A modern city that is packed with beautiful ancient ruins, Amman is the perfect spot if you want to explore what Jordan has to offer on your holidays to the Middle East while being just a stone's throw away from the beach.

Amman Beach is roughly an hour drive from the city and is situated on the Dead Sea.

The Dead Sea is not technically a sea; it is a huge expanse of water that has been famed for its incredible properties. This salt lake is an amazing 423 metres below sea level, and  has an extraordinarily high salt content, which allows bathers to experience something completely unique. If you swim in the Dead Sea, the high salt content will prevent you from sinking, meaning that you can float in the sea with ease. Because of this attraction, this beach can get quite busy, but it's a place you will want to make time for, if you want to see the wonder of the Dead Sea.

2. Coral Beach

Coral Beach is the perfect spot for a relaxing day out. Based in Aqaba, Coral Beach offers the same beauty as some of the more popular beach destinations just without the crowds. This beach is named ‘Coral Beach’ because of its incredibly shallow waters, making it easy to see the hundreds of different varieties of coral here. It is because of reason this beach is incredibly popular with scuba divers, and you may be able togo on your very own scuba diving tour.

With the increase in global warming, coral reefs are getting more and more damaged, and it is our responsibility as visitors to ensure that we don’t harm the environments we explore. Travel with care when you explore this serene spot.

3. South Beach

Another beach based in the area of Aqaba, South Beach lies on the Red Sea and has incredibly salty body of water. The city of Aqaba itself is based near the Red Sea, making this beach an easy and accessible place to visit - it's a hugely popular destination for both locals and tourists. This beach is close to a harbour that is brimming with life and is the perfect spot to visit if you want to combine your love of relaxing with a love of culture.

Jordan has a number of high-class conservation projects in this area, which means that the beach here is completely unspoilt, and local animals and wildlife are able to thrive. If you truly want to make the most of this destination, consider investing in a pair of snorkelling gear so that you can see the beautiful array of fish that live on these shores. If you want to learn more about natural wildlife, you can even sign up for a course to learn about the stingrays and angelfish that call South Beach home.

Holidays in jordan

If you're looking for a holiday full of unspoilt natural beauty and serene places to relax, Jordan is a country that you need to consider. As one of the best holiday destinations in the Middle East, you don’t want to miss out on what a holiday to Jordan has to offer for you and your family! If you want to learn more about holidays to Jordan or want to book a holiday to Jordan in 2022, the experts here at Brightsun Travel can match you with the perfect holiday package deal.

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